Schunaizia was formally established in 2006. It is duly reg-
istered with Government of Pakistan under Societies ACT
1860. Since its establishment Schunaizia is working in Re-
lief, Health, Rehabilitation, Education, Gender, Juvenile Jus-
tice and Rule of Law Sectors. Schunaizia has been working
on different projects for social welfare and development
in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, FATA and Punjab, it has also pro-
vided its cooperation to other civil society organizations;
working for the same interest. Since its establishment Sc-
hunaizia has proved and maintained remarkable quality
and performance in all of its projects.
In 2007 Schunaizia worked with mounting concentration
on Relief sector and extended its relief activities in Punjab.
Beside relief works, Schunaizia put its main focus on sus-
tainable projects in educational sector and with sustain-
ability of this sector Schunaizia expanded its welfare work
for other social issues like provision of living standard dur-
ing natural calamities. In order to maintain quality bench-
mark all projects of Schunaizia are being followed by Total
Quality Management principles. The main consideration of
all Schunizians is tightening control on project outcomes,
regular inspection and prevention rather than cure. The
purpose of the Schunaizia is to promote worthy facilita-
tions during calamities, developmental practices and to
help our community for social prosperity.
To establish a prosperous and empow- ered society.
To serve humanity without any dis- crimination of gender, religion, caste, color or language.
We believe in open communication so we en-
courage those around us to speak and voice
their valuable thoughts.
Mutual Trust
We have confidence in each other’s capabilities
and plans. We believe that people work well only
when there is a foundation of trust.
We ensure everyone’s worth and dignity, regard-
less of thier background, aptitude or believes. We work with collaboration and value human.
Each employee is considered as a unique human
being and is involoved in helping the organiza-
tion meet its goals.
We are transparent, truthful and fair in all our in-
teractions with employees. We work with in the
letter and spirit of the law.
We promote creativity. We encourage our em-
ployees to think out of the box. We never settle
for the speedy or simple solution.
Education project on No Profit No Loss basis was designed. Project focused technical and computer training of poor and refugee students.
Schunaizia Relief & Development Organization became founding member of Insaf Network Pakistan to work in the field of Rule of Law.
Project became a success. Project team dedicated themselves for taking the project to new heights of success.
Schunaizia Relief & Development Organization (SRDO) focused on Governance, Education and Relief activities.
Project was registered as Schunaizia Relief & Development Organization. Mr Asim donated his books (on computers) for newly born organization. It became self-sustained.
Schunaizia Relief & Development Organization (SRDO) adopted new strategy for its Education goal. Education program Save The Future has been started by introducing its pilot project in District Gujranwala.
New approach was adopted and Schunaizia Relief & Development Organization started to widen its working in different thematic areas .
Schunaizia Relief & Development Organization (SRDO) adopted new strategy for local governments good governance through establishing performance index. Moreover and index establishment to ensure fair trail and due process in court cases.
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